Still think voting isn’t important?

It’s Election Day, and Americans who haven’t already done so are preparing to cast their votes to determine how their future, or at least the next four years, will look. Despite the turnout we’ve seen for early voting, we know that some eligible citizens still do not vote, which can really cost everyone in the long run. In case you’re on the fence, here are a few reasons why your vote matters:

1. You can choose the people who will make decisions on issues you feel are important.

Voting enables you to decide how your country is run. The candidates you support play an active role in determining how the country operate. So vote for someone who will represent your views and put policies in place to address things you feel are important.

2. You get to exercise your social responsibility.

Our civic duty requires us to do things that are not just beneficial to ourselves but to the community at large. When you vote, you exercise your social responsibility to the people around you, especially those who cannot vote. Your vote is not only for yourself but for your children, your neighbors, and others in your community.

3. Voting can bring about positive change.

If you aren’t happy with the status quo, now is your chance to do something about it. One of the surest ways to effect change is to vote for leaders who promise to implement policies that can alter the trajectory of our country for the better.

4. Voting is your voice.

If you are eligible to vote, you have a voice that can easily be put to use through the polls. Voting is your way to make your voice heard.

Due to COVID-19, voting in this election will be a bit different. Before you head out to vote, make a plan to cast your ballot safely. Fill out a sample ballot beforehand to reduce the time you spend at the polling station. Wear a mask at all times. Maintain social distance. Practice good hand hygiene (if possible, carry your own hand sanitizer).

Here’s to making your voice heard,

Bobby Firestein