This coming Saturday, April 22 is Earth Day. For over 50 years, billions of people have participated in this annual celebration around the globe. Earth Day is an event in which like-minded global citizens join in a common mission: to promote awareness of our natural world and the need to work together to ensure its long-term health.
Even as we participate in local Earth Day events to support this mission, it’s important to remember that our efforts don’t need to be restricted to a single day. We can make Earth-friendly choices all year long. When it comes to your business, there are several ways you can do this, from the materials you choose to the companies you partner with.
Here are three key areas where you can start making more sustainable choices for your business when it comes to printing and direct mail.
1. Start with materials.
There are a variety of paper choices made from fibers harvested from forests that are sustainably managed and that provide environmental, social, and economic benefits to local populations. This goes beyond the traditional FSC certification and includes SFI, PEFC, and EcoLabel certifications, as well. Each of these organizations has its own unique focus, but all of them reflect a commitment to sustainable choices.
When available, use paper with recycled content. Notice that we didn’t say 100% recycled or “only choose recycled,” since virgin fiber is also an important component of the paper lifecycle. Just keep in mind recent paper supply challenges and be flexible in your selections.
2. Look for sustainable print processes and technology.
How you print is just as important as what you print when it comes to sustainability. Digital production is inherently “greener” than offset presses that use a variety of chemicals in their inks and aluminum plates for each project. Most newer digital printers, like our Canon iX, use VOC-free, water-based inks, unlike the oil- or vegetable-based inks for offset. Plus, there’s no need for excess aluminum or paper waste when printing digitally.
Eliminating waste is a critical aspect to sustainability. When it comes to print, that means using print-on-demand production and online ordering platforms that allow you to manage your own ordering process. Together, these maximize efficiency, reduce waste, and eliminate the errors that come from miscommunications during a manual ordering process.
3. Choose the right partner.
Work with companies that have like-minded goals. Ask questions. What is the company’s sustainability policy? Does it run its own business according to sustainable values? Is there a focus on creating valuable, long-lasting products? Does the company utilize green energy? Ecoprint has been using clean, renewable energy since 2003. In fact, our large-format building is 100% powered by renewable energy for all of its business and production operations.
Back in 1989, before sustainable printing was even a thing, Ecoprint was one of the very few shops that carried PCW recycled paper. In 1991, when nearly all inks had toxic chemicals, we applied for a patent to produce our own environmentally friendly ink, EcoInk. In 2003, we became the first printing company in the country to go to 100% wind power. Two years later, we began working with ForestPlanet to donate two trees for every job we print. Today, we continue to invest in sustainable initiatives, including participating in oyster repopulation efforts, community bike tune-up events, promoting Plastic-Free July, and even putting more oxygen in the atmosphere by planting a bucket garden in our parking lot.

Want to learn more? Just ask — and celebrate Earth Day with us all year long!